Corporate Social and Responsible business

Delivery and management of secure digital workplaces require highly skilled people of different qualities. In our society, the term ‘highly educated’ is associated with a college or university degree. But what if you can think and work at that level in a specialist IT area, but don’t want to spend your days in a classroom for years?

Primary school was already boring. But secondary education turns out to be completely dry. Moreover, you notice that teachers do not always understand you and sometimes don’t even know how to deal with you. But you are still of compulsory school age. So there is not much else to do than bite the bullet!

At some point, you will reach the finish line. But then the next challenge is just around the corner: earning a living. Writing appealing application letters proves to be a bridge too far, let alone putting yourself in the spotlight in the subsequent introductory interviews. It’s like you’re from another planet. You find solace in hours of  “gaming” behind your computer.

One of IT visibility’s missions is to break that vicious circle. We do this by responding to your intrinsic motivation and “gaming” qualities; even without a college or university degree…

  • Do you prefer to work behind the scenes with the latest technology? We’ll arrange it!
  • Would you rather visit customers to help them setting up a safe digital workplace? Fine!
  • Do you make it a habit helping people over bumps that seem impregnable fortresses? Absolutely great and very valuable!

By making smart combinations between people, their specialisms and working methods, there are operational degrees of freedom that allows a suitable challenge for everyone. This way we not only contribute to a safe, digital society, but we also prevent people from falling by the wayside. In this way they retain their value for society, without relying on the social benefits.

Do you want to know more?

Take the bump and call or email one of us:

Henk van Ee: 06 – 4215 8182 | [email protected]

Will Moonen: 06 – 54338411 | [email protected]

Network visibility and packet analysis works like a cyber brain: it is all about details…

… together we can make a difference to our digitized society: smart combinations between people, their specialisms and working methods …